mercoledì 27 aprile 2011

Gears of War cheevos

The very first game i played on xbox was Gears of War, worse than this, following the suggestion of  'SB' friend at that time, i bought this game 3 months before my console.. i know, it's kinda lol ^^
As said, my first steps into gears world were quite hard, i never took the right rithm of this game. I can't forget my first partner 'T 7', a very nice guy who helped me a lot playing with me, rookie, in hardcore difficulty. How to forget the first turret shooting against us while there was a way to deactivate it ? ahah 'Stay close to me' boom boom boom ahah Well, I must admit the first episode was more difficult than the following, but as a thing is the hardest to do as it is the wothest. And for he record : I still have to get all the cheevos in this game lol yeah because as i have no feeling with gears, i put it aside, read dump it, untill the release of gears 2. Who can resist to buy and play it ? not me ! But the music was the same, even if played it with some cool friends, i had to give up with this game. Some days ago, the story repeats, at the dawn of gears 3 i picked up again gears and i'm playing it. Results? you won't believe it, i'm lvl31 !!!Cool ! ahah
I have to thank 'BID' for this result, i literally love playing with him cause he is patient and nice, and even if we are playing horde and i die he doesn't get angry, lol Yeah he gets mad cause i die in multiplayer everytime I'm a locust and I see Cole, but that's another story I suppose  ^^

martedì 26 aprile 2011

Never say die

That's the refrain of those last days: never say die.. or dead LOL
I dunno why, but i'm pretty sure i'm not sentimental, but in spite of me i recently saw ghosts, i mean people i tought i forgot is back. I need the repellent-spray to kick them out one more time! ^^
Ok that's not the point, the matter is i cannot understand why people don't understand when it's over and why do they need to come back and keep doing the same stuff forever, don't you get bored of this loop ??
I picked up RE5 just to complete all the cheevos, and to my surprise most of the people i met when i first played that game were still there, stilll playing that game for its leaderboards -.- Someone rescue you guys, RE5 is not such a cool game to be played forever ahah it's pathethic! Still playing the versus for what? do you really like it after 2 years ?? And that was 'TH', awww !! Not a word about  mr 'SH', still fighting against zombies to be the first of his country and to keep up its score ahah you are crazy man, trust in me you are an idiot, take a break, i'm pretty sure Wesker won't knock at your door asking for your autograph ahah
Another one is 'DP' ... still fighting against zombies, still in love for such a bad guy like the evil  of RE ahah Ok everyone has the right to have his own passions and to be addicted to whatever he likes... but when i dislike people like i do with em, i cannot stop blaming em, ahah

sabato 23 aprile 2011

My Big Daddy Bouncer crocheted plush

I'm kinda proud of my little daddy amigurumi ^^
Is this the proof am i a big sister ? maybe ! ahah
Ok before it may sounds crazy even for me, this lovely plush is just an amigurumi, a crocheted doll i made. The subject is the bouncer plush from bioshock 2, and it is the small version of this plush. As said I'm kinda proud of it cause the original pattern is mine ^^  It reminds me i have another amigurumi to finish, the bobblehead from fallout 3, it's still under construction cause i had no time to finish its base, i hope to do it during this Easter.. who knows.. As soon as i do it i'll post it. ^^

mercoledì 20 aprile 2011

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, what's that for ? Yeah Capcom did it again, another useless episode to bother fans.First off it will be an action shooter, again in 1998, again in Raccoon City ( before it blows up ). It will be a multiplayer game, up to 4 players to clean the city out of zombies and old stuff, again  hunters, lickers, zombies, tyrants.. how boring !

Up to 4 different skilled soldiers, there's Spectre the sniper, the invisible Vector, the heavy weapons guy Beltway and, Bertha the doctor. I cannot find the words to describe how useless is a soldier holding a zombie as human shield.... -.-"   I knew long time ago Resident Evil was dead, but with this new chapter i felt i have to 'shot them in the head' ghgh ^^ 
Sorry i cannot stop laughing, a multiplayer and an army of skilled soldiers against zombies ahah Don't forget to hide yourself behind a car, the zombie are so cruel ahah Come on pls, anyone tell me why you have to hide yourself if none is shooting aganist you ahah

Silent Hill Homecoming .. hmm

Ok Ok Silent Hill is a game for a specific target of users, basically that's the only truth behind this title. I never agreed with people calling this title a nightmarish survival horror, but that's only my personal point of view. I've completed this game two days ago, it's too easy. I must admit i bought it only because of a friend, who strongly recomended it to me, and in the end he was right, i like it, but to do it i had to close my eyes on many many things, and no.. if i closed my eyes was not for fear :p The good in this game is the darkness and the expectations you have in your mind about the monsters, but as soo as you start to play, u realize it's only an illusion. The enemies are just a few, and quite weak, even the bosses are quite easy to dodge and kill, in a word this game is very easy. I won't spoil anything, but please let me say a word about te plot : a great confusion. I mean the main character, Alex Shepherd is a good guy, he is surrounded by a great number of evil people, just like all the other episodes of this series. There is a good percentage of blood in this game, but no adrenaline, and it bored me a lot. I know it's an old game, and it's nice to play, but only one time. The collectribles are pretty useless in the main plot, just a nonsense wich pretends to explain you something but it won't do it. There are only (four ?) kind of enemies, you easily learn how to deal with em, then the game will be pretty easy even on the hardest difficulty. The puzzles don't require your intelligence, are kinda mechanic.And the longevity is merely the different endings you can have according to the choice you make during your walktrough. In other words.. the game is still a good game, you can play it for its sense of loneliness, but if you are looking for a survival horror or a nightmarish game.. pick up something else. The best thing of this game is the doll in this picture, but i can't tell you what is it and when you find it :p but it's the coolest issue of the whole plot.

venerdì 15 aprile 2011

Collectibles: Husby n°1 Charon

I love collectibles, even in game where there is nothing to collect. Usually i find a way to collect something stupid or weird. In Fallout 3, as Scarlett, my first idea was to collect all the clothes i found, and i did it, i'm sorry for all the people i killed only to stole their dress, but afterall that's the wasteland :P Second idea was the weapons, and i got all of them.. third step was the teddy bears, i love this plushes scattered through my room at tenpenny's tower ^^
Any idea about the last collectible? yep, partner, i mean the followeres in fallout are cool, but i don't like all of them. First off Jericho, an old man with the bad habit to smoke, he talks too much for me, so as soon as i went to paradise fall i met first tought was 'sorry little sister, there is not enough place in the wasteland for both of us, and u are not exactly the kind of follower/mate i like'. As soon as i arrived to the Underworld.. well i met him, my beloved Charon !!Yeah he is a gouhl, it means his skin is rotten, he is a slave who follow you only because you have his contract, but above all  he is a sexy and lovable mate who protected Scarlett eery time she was in danger. He has a very good skill in combact, he hide himself if necessary, he is smart and has a good physical strenght , in other words: how a loner girl couldn't fall in love with him ?
Scarlett loves him, and they lived happy in their home :) 

Scarlett vs Violet

Ok, this is the very first private entry of this blog, I'll do my best to explain it.
Some time ago Violet Ryan wasn't yet my gamertag, i had a different one. When i took the decision to change it, my first choice was Scarlett Ryan rather then Violet, but something went wrong and  Violet is a cool name too :p
First off, both those names are basically colors, a purple/red shade i love, while the surname Ryan comes from the main character in Bioshock. Pretty easy :p
The issue on the name is something split my in-game choice everytime I play. In other words, since my first experience in gdr, I realized I had to give a name to my character, and it was kinda weird for me.
Scarlett - Violet

Well, the first step into gdr universe was fallout3, and the first thing this game ask to you is your name. No need to think, i wrote Scarlett!! She was nice to me, i shaped everything of her thanks to a very good editor, and without a doubt she is my fave character ever. She has a very evil karma, I collect all the dresses i found in game, ( and with them the teddy bears ), and it was very funny. For sure somethimes i was wearing a nice cloth while i need an armor suit.. but she surived, afterall my team mate were once Jericho, and from a certain moment I was travelling with Charon ;) I was safe ^^
After fallout 3, i started fallout New Vegas, and i felt i cannot gave to my new character the same name, Sarlett was Scarlett, i saw her birth and growining, this time i was asked to be new charater, the courier, so i called her Violet. As for Scarlett, I shaped all her details, face, eye, nose, lips, when ended she was quite similar to Scarlett, but at the same time she was different. In New Vegas Violet rises her skill level at 30, she is strongest than Scarlett, she had more clothes than her, she has up to two followers at a time, but even with all this stuff, my fave is still my first character.
Violet - Scarlett

The funny thing is the same dichotomy between Scarlett and Violet happened to me again with another game i love : fable3, but this time it happened for a bug ^^
Let me explain, if you play online games and if you know gdr, u know that bugs glitch and this kind of troubles are quite common. As usual, i started my game with Scarlett, i mean, i don't need to give my hero a name, but she was her ;)  I made her a good heroine,colored her tatoos and hair with purple, collected all the clothes for her, married a cool guy, and become a good queen for Albion, until a bug occurs ( I'll talk in details about fable in a new post :p ) Anger like a berserk and thanks to the help on my 'fable husby' i started a new game, i backup all my saves-files, and i made a new hero. It was time for Violet to join, to be an evil queen, even if to my surprise as Violet i married a good hero ( lol ) Again the two look like the same person, Violet is the white demon, while in Scarlett the white meant good. Violet has blak eyes ( due to her evil soul), and her tatoos  are yellow, because according to fable's rules yellow is the color of strenght, while purple is the color of dreams..
And that's all, I'm trying to figure out if there is a reason by which all my characters has the same hairstyle and looks quite similar though they belong to different games.. ahah

martedì 12 aprile 2011

deathmatch... did you lose your head? LOL

I always tought games-site have a responsability towards their readers, i mean if you are a webmaster of such a big international network like IGN or G4TV you work for gamers and you have to catch their attention in a smart way. Today I'v realized I was wrong. To what I've seen people is ready to cast its vote in order to say its opinion even on nonsense. lol
The worse side of this issue is the so called 'Videogame Deathmatch: Best Franchise'. I have no words left to describe this useless matter. Ok the idea is pretty good, but I really don't understand the criteria of this fight. wanna en example ? Resident Evil vs pac-man, or Gears of War vs Fallout. To give you the full perspective of the results just have a look at the official contest. Does it have any sense to you?
The funny thing is game developers support this kind of shit. Rod Fergusson, Executive Producer of Gears of War 3, tweets and promises 30x bonus XP on gears 2 if the game win its match. Luckly they lost ^__^
Sorry for my lack of humor but if it was a joke it's useless, if it was such a form of advertise it's quite mediocre.

Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection

So.. here we are. All my friends scattered through xbla (since my old gt :P ) knew this moment will be come for me too lol. The locust hiding in myself is back ^^ 
I've always been a zero playing gears, many of the times I was crying for seeing my beautiful fashion locust torn in pieces by another player long before i can make a move ^_^
As most of the people i met on xbla already know, I have no feeling with shooters, it's like I wear a big target on my brow with written: shoot me. Quite often they litterally adopt me as a rookie to train, i can't forget when 'DR'  left his match for helping me in killing Raam on hardcore.. saying something like " time for you to put to bed your baby" 'cos Raam was waiting for me since a year, kicking and alive :)
The good news is this week there is a special price for the dlc "all fronts", and its price is just 400mps, basically it's a gift!! This dlc includes all previous map pack and the chapter “Road to Ruin.” 
Time to play it again :) 

Note for me: fix the graphics of this blog, i'm afraid it's screaming my taste n love for grey and orange, next step the mirror effect? aw :( I cannot change myself  >_< Btw last night I've taken some pictures of my fable character to post here :)

lunedì 11 aprile 2011


Hiya, this is Violet.
Who or waht am I? just a gamer :)
Violet Ryan is just my gamertag, in other words my id on xboxlive, and that's all i'll share in this blog. Some days ago i completed 'fable III', since i spent almost three months playing it, and since I've met some cool people playing it, as soon as i finished it I felt I was loosing something, and my silly mind suggested me the idea to record  my personal experience as gamer in a blog. For sure this blog won't be anything but garbage like many other blogs scattered trough the web, but hey, I have not intention to save the world in this way, I want simply write something for myself only, something to save my memories of something i like. As all the things in my life I'm still unsure of sharing or not this blog with readers and friends on xbla, as said i'm gonna write this blog for myself... Btw I'll see ...
One more thing, if I talk about a friend i'll simply use the first letter of his gamertag, and I'll do my best to highlight the spoilers of all the games I'll mention.
So if you are still here and you are still reading my words u are very welcome ^^